
The Letter of James is unavailable, but you can change that!

Pastors and scholars have often found the letter of James particularly vexing both to interpret and to apply. Scot McKnight’s commentary expounds James both in its own context and in the context of ancient Judaism, the Greco-Roman world, and the emerging Christian faith. Though interacting with the best available scholarly work on James, McKnight first connects deeply with the text of the letter...

Test faith faith love endurance goodness foreknowledge knowledge predestination self-control called perseverance justified godliness glorified brotherly kindness mature/complete love In vocabulary, James is close here to 1 Peter 1 and Romans 5, though only James and Romans tie together “faith,” “endurance,” and “produces.” Formally, 1 Peter 1 is less of a chain text than either James 1:2–4; Romans 5:3–5; 2 Peter 1:5–8; or Romans 8:28–30. Substantially, James 1:2–4 is closest to 2 Peter
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